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Kate Jasper
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Tickle Sisters
Ebook Fiction
Adjusted to Death
The Last Resort
Murder Most Mellow
Fat-Free and Fatal
Tea-Totally Dead
A Stiff Critique
Most Likely To Die
A Cry For Self-Help
Death Hits the Fan
Murder on the Astral Plane
Murder My Deer
  A Sensitive Kind of Murder
  Where to buy:
Open Road Media (ebook) (paperback)

A Sensitive Kind of Murder

"Kate Jasper and her crew of Marin County's most lovable loonies are back."
Publishers Weekly

Kate Jasper, Marin County, California's own, organically grown, amateur sleuth returns in this twelfth mystery in the series.  ("Smart, compassionate and intuitive, Kate has her own place among amateur sleuths." —Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel.)  Kate Jasper has sworn off groups, tired of her role as the Typhoid Mary of Murder.  In A Sensitive Kind Of Murder, it's her sweetheart, and now husband, who attends the Heartlink Men's Group.  Kate is on her way to meet him afterward when a familiar car roars down the street, hits Steve Summers (journalist and fellow Heartlink member), flings him into the air, and then backs up to run over him again.  The familiar car is her own sweetie's muscular Jaguar.  Kate is sure her own gentle and gentlemanly husband wasn't driving the car at the fatal moment.  But who was?  Kate must break the Heartlink Men's circle of silence and go where no woman has gone before.  Her husband's life may depend on Kate's estrogen-fueled intuition.

"Jaqueline Girdner's Kate Jasper is one of my all time favorite protagonists... a little sly, a little absurd."
—Kathleen Swanholt, editor of Mysterious Women